Terms: 8-BIT DESIRE, intimate interfaces, dispersed collectivity, psychodata, coincidance, rhythm, political dancefloor, tongue and teeth of creativity
Technologies have changed and continue to change the processes of listening and perception of music. While they set the framework for the production, circulation and consumption of music products, commodifying them, they also open up space for the construction of new audial experiments, for active listening and monitoring / modifying / managing the listening process. How will we use the right to construct the process of listening of the other? What critical readings will we try to introduce and will they be “heard”?
Mechanics: Audio-listening in a given geographical location. The participants of the project were offered to construct the auditory experience of the other on the one hand, by creating their event (place + music) in a closed group on Facebook, and on the other — to become participants in the active listening process, by participating in the activities of others.
Number of participants in the group: 44. Number of events: 10 The project continues to function. Here you can find a project Fb page.