Terms: all to all, care virus, cyberfeminism, desire, intimate interfaces, practices of ourselves, terror of relationship, yesterday's unalienated celebration
“Welcome To The Dollhouse” proudly presents the new project: Сatechism for the Mass on dresser (on physical medium!). Our official confessional writing, the heralding edification, the small and dangerous book containing basic doctrines which we will introduce during the luxuriant Mass solemnly preceded with Donna Jeanne Haraway words: “I regretted not being able to be a bat boy in the same way I regretted not being able to be a Jesuit, so I heard my dolls’ confessions in my closet with the sliding doors and said Mass for them on my dresser. I have changed since then from a junior Catholic theologian to a much less innocent feminist scribbler, from a parochial school basketball forward, to a writer of her own game stories.”
Text of the manifest in Russian.