Skype lecture
Terms: dispersed collectivity, exclusion of non-perspective pedestrians, object, outsourcing, places of transparency, self-destructing structures
Majority of capital and state power accumulate in cities; through the development of urban planning, we can realize what kind of strategies are closely linked to developments towards today‘s post-industrial society. Based on Pascal Gielen‘s Performing the Common City. On the Crossroads of Art, Politics and Public Life (2015) published in the book Interrupting the City and the books quoted by Richard Sennett The Uses of Disorder: Personal Identity & City Life (1970). I include examples from the Euro-American environment, with an emphasis on the present and as well with references to the period of the industrial revolution, the time of transformation of the economic-social paradigm.
I perceive an urban space as a process that quite faithfully reflects the current political system and social discourse.