Subversive collective meditation
Terms: alienation, care virus, dispersed collectivity, exploitation of hidden motivation, practices of ourselves, weak disease
Popular methods and tactics of self-help such as occidental yoga or wellness, either appropriated or created by neoliberalism, oftentimes are tailored to distract individuals from the real cause of their distress and let them repeatedly focus on temporary solutions. Whilst this temporal relief may be helpful in certain occasions, generally, this tendency may lead towards the de-politicization and further alienation of individuals. Subversive guided meditation ‘All that has melted into air, inhale’ comments on the shifted idea of self-help, questions the position of our bodies within the territory of struggle, attempts to move attention again towards the production of collectivity, and suggests to once more critically reflect upon our own exhaustion in the face of the final exhaustion of resources.
The session is divided into two parts. The first is the guided meditation itself, presented as a sound piece produced in collaboration with the musician Eugene Markin. It will then be followed by a tender collective discussion on our pressure points and cracks held between the participants.