Art object, text
Terms: great stone, alienation, exclusion of non-perspective pedestrians, coincidance, dacha, h o o o o o o w w w w w l, left melancholy, practice of small movements, self-destructing structures, spontaneous grassroots alternative
We were walking down the street and understanding that the whole space was marked up, divided, constructed without us, and continued by some people we know nothing about, some Others, and not even people, but functions, so with these functions, the space continues to be being designed, changed and adapted for the same and other functions.
We were going through the woods and understanding realized that the forest is no more, but there is a map, deforestation zone and control ,some glades, open and closed coordinates.There is no forest in itself, and in this sense the forest demands liberation in order to become a forest again. Forest without us. And even this is impossible, more precisely, it is absolutely no longer possible, and all that we can do is only to indicate this impossibility …
Karen Karnak
… I don’t see divisions and structures in the visible by me, although I know about the existence of these. It seems to me that this is done for convenience and control. I myself would like to control something, I achieve it in every possible way and partly by inertia, in particular in my work — I work with the image and try to earn it to ensure the life of my family.
Responsibility and the presence of will harden and dulls in a certain sense, but capitalism is about regaining one’s place, and without these qualities can’t do.
Roman Aksenov