Feeling of senseless of the present and futility of the future, coupled with a sweet delight of the lost past. It differs from ordinary melancholy by its fixation on the general unattainable, and therefore unrealizable, good. Formed in light of the today’s contrast of communism for the elite in the Silicon Valley (see “utopia of consumption”, “utopia of technology”) and the collapse/obsolescence/alienation of all the previously accepted forms of mobilization and organization of liberation movements. (see F. Jameson or S. Žižek “It is easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism”). Related problems: expansion of the concept of the past and its invasion of the present, with subsequent absorption of the latter. A new life of the past. Fear and impotence in the face the future, which-will-not-happen, forcing to stir up old bones again and again. (see H.-U. Gumbrecht’s “Contemporary History”). Possible solution: 0) leaving the past in the past; 1) revealing the true pleasure of people in the technical-consumption system; 2) the des-objectivation of utopian force; 3) the return of privatized collectivity (see “privatized collectivity of the supermarket”) to the initial collectivity; and 4) the creation and elaboration of relations between people and people, people and things, things and things. (see A. Magun and A. Skidan).