Terms: practices of ourselves, all to all, digital proletariat, extensions, extractive capitalism, great stone, htp, production drama, protocols of self-organisation
In the nearest future the industrial labour as well as job creation will become irrelevant and lose its value for both actors of capitalistic relations and those who oppose them through the development of alternative and parallel types of economies. Prior to that change attempts to battle with industrial aspects of the capitalist system were limited mainly to practices of resistance against industrial specialization resulting in transformation of life into factory, and later transformation of the industrial labour itself into unconditional activity which has eventually occupied all dimensions of the social area. However, it didn’t stop the splitting of labour. The ideal machine, that requires neither repair, nor maintenance, which arose in Marx’s mind, has abolished not only the pricing, but also has made human labour itself redundant. In light of this the next step in the maintenance of activity and living was the experimental establishment of the unconditional basic income for citizens (sic) within the economies of the national states. What kind of consequences these changes may cause? The results of the plebiscite in Switzerland in 2016 show that the government’s arguments about harmful effects of basic income were accepted by the majority who voted against its establishment. This outcome is determined by the attempts of the conservative sector of the economy to defend their positions, as well as by aspiration of citizens (sic) to defend themselves from symbolic loss. Given this optics, it’s crucial to pay attention to what is regarded as “unconditional”. Unconditionality in this case comes down to the one and only condition: the income has to be fully independent from all of the repressive machineries of hypercapitalism. What is the basis for solidarity and the formation of new classes in the society? What is the basis of artistic and activist tactics of resistance to capitalist expansion? Exploitation, inequality and the opposition to mechanisms aimed at consumption and success. Who is the artist / activist / resister? The loser, whose actions are intended to fail, justifying it by system repressions, whilst the above-mentioned tactics make these repressions visible. But what if the unconditional payments instantly reach the goal and neutralize the capitalist oppression across the country or around the whole world? Such justification will lose legitimacy, and the failure will become the very own inability to act productively inside the open system. Firstly, it will determine the desire and simultaneous inability to justify oneself for own activities or lack of them. Whilst nationality will again become the only reason for the collective solidarity. We speculatively claim not only the inevitability of the unconditional basic income for everybody, but also the need to work with failure, frustration and counterproductivity as given, the work that would facilitate adaptation of consciousness to new living conditions. Learn to perceive income, fear and failure unconditionally. This practicum of distributed mutual support is organized for these purposes.