Terms: from the future at the present, desire, affective labour, practices of ourselves, production drama, all to all, joy acceleration, protocols of self-organisation, speculative synthesis, rhythm, repetition, coincidance
League of Time, which in the early 1920s propagated and disseminated the new socialist time management, economy and time management in the production and personal spheres, was part of the movement of the Scientific Labor Organization NOT – a broad initiative to develop labor and hygiene standards in production. One of the artists-producers who belonged to the circle of the journal LEF and simultaneously collaborated with the League of Time, was Gustav Klucis. In a series of his drawings of 1923-24 he tried to consistently express the theoretical formula proposed by the League of Time, in which time and energy are combined, the scientific organization of labor, socialism and americanism. The lecture is devoted to the decoding of these figures and the economic paradox of energy-time contained in them, which Klutsis encountered.