Terms: from the future at the present, intimate interfaces, h o o o o o o w w w w w l, desire, contingency, joy acceleration, pharmachoreography, political dancefloor, national academy of sciences as witch, yesterday's unalienated celebration, great stone, rhythm, repetition
Combining the aesthetics of rap and the ancient spell, the performance is a recitative reading to the accompaniment of the technogenic bit sample. Like verbal constellation, based on the principle of the hyperlink, the text fuses together concepts such as science and religion, actualizing the principles of theistic evolutionism. In particular, the text projects several scenes where the brown bear is in a state of hibernation, Halley’s comet is moving in its orbit, the human stream is pulsing in the depths of the subway, the velocity of particles striving to collapse in the run-up to spring is being accelerated in the large hadron collider. Cosmological theory and technological acceleration are woven together with an archaic worldview in the hypnotic trance of the spell that causes the Higgs boson or the so-called “particle of God”.
While I lay in the paws of the brown bear,
Runs around in a circle Halley’s comet,
For an ounce of ashes of Galileo Galilei,
Stars blooms in the orchid constellation,
The sky gets younger and soil recovers,
Warm in the Lemuel Gulliver’s pocket,
Fingers in a deep fur of the tired animal,
While I lay in paws of the brown bear,
Underfoot a nacreous slush whispers,
Your face is so sad, don’t worry anymore,
Wipe your tears and wash your wounds,
Pixels appear on the surface of a screen,
The bright nitro paint corrodes the sky,
Pricks nostrils sharply, stings eyes tearfully,
Fiery flower of the pilot Gastello,
Burns out echelons of a neo alienation,
Our protons accelerate,
Accelerate and fly towards each other,
Circulate in the cooled subway,
Spring’s echo hangs on unfrozen trees,
Wheels moan hungrily on world’s avenues,
Citizens open windows to the new breath,
The new covenant replaces the old one,
My eternal guardian in the deep den,
Feeds by sunflower oil the heavy rifle,
People run out towards the sun…
Gravity reveals the essence,
Reveals us His presence,
Crashes protons in the looped trap,
For a god particle, for a holy grace,
Childs of the new faith squeeze out happiness,
Rest of the white clay wash down by black oil,
Swollen buds by frantic thirst,
We stay on the threshold of the new stage,
Hearts swoon and trembling innards,
Getting younger the sky, resurrecting soil
Dripping from under the roof, crying glaciers,
While I lay in the paws of the brown bear,
Pine in veins, sharp teeth on the neck,
Do you feel a beast in your body?
The modern church of self-liberation,
Opens its doors…
Pine in veins, sharp teeth on the neck,
Do you feel a beast in your body?
The modern church of self-liberation,
Opens its doors…